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Facebook Messenger gets an unsend feature
10:25, 06.02.2019 |
6103 | 0

Facebook has come out with a feature that lets you delete messages from a conversation after you’ve sent them, as previously spotted in leaks. So in case you send the wrong message to the wrong person or make an egregious typo, you’ll be able to remove it in Messenger now.

It works when you tap on the message you want to delete within 10 minutes of sending it. Two options will appear: Remove for Everyone and Remove for You. Selecting Remove for Everyone replaces your message with text that the message has been removed by you.

It’s similar to the power that CEO Mark Zuckerberg infamously has to delete messages he’s sent, as we first found out last April, after multiple sources noted that messages they received from the CEO had mysteriously disappeared. When questioned, Facebook confirmed Zuckerberg’s messages expired over time, citing increased security measures after the 2014 Sony Pictures email hacks.

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