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Schumacher son close to F4 contract?
22:08, 06.02.2015 |
6685 | 0

Michael Schumacher's son is set to begin down his own road to formula one.

Following in the footsteps of his father and also uncle Ralf, 15-year-old Mick - who has raced karts in recent years under the pseudonym 'Mick Junior' - is reportedly about to tread into the world of single-seater cars.

Dutch reports say he is close to signing for Van Amersfoort's Formula 4 outfit. Last year, Max Verstappen - only two years older than Mick - leapt straight from a F3 campaign with Van Amersfoort into a Toro Rosso race cockpit for 2015.

Two-time DTM champion Timo Scheider told Austria's Sportwoche: "Especially in the rain, Mick seems to be exceptionally fast -- obviously he has inherited the genes of his father."

Van Amersfoort did not confirm the media reports.

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