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Zlatan Ibrahimovic: PSG striker 'abuses referees in English'
00:03, 08.02.2015 |
6710 | 0

Zlatan Ibrahimovic abuses French referees in either English or Italian so they cannot understand his insults, claims Lyon coach Hubert Fournier.
Fournier made the accusation ahead of Sunday's Ligue 1 match between leaders Lyon and third-placed Paris St-Germain.

"All the referees in this league get insulted by this person," he said.
"The referees are not bilingual or trilingual, so they don't understand. In a way, it's better to speak Italian or English to insult referees."
Lyon are two points clear of second-placed Marseille and defending champions PSG following an eight-match unbeaten run.
But Fournier has warned his players - and referee Clement Turpin - to maintain their composure if put under pressure by Swede Ibrahimovic.
"The person who is going to be most provoked is Mr Turpin," added 47-year-old Fournier.
"I don't want my team to provoke, I don't want us to insult the officials. I hope we remember not to fall for Zlatan's provocations."
PSG, who have won back-to-back titles, travel to Lyon after winning their last six matches in all competitions.

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